Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fetlocks and Zadig

Found this sidebar note in my 2011 journal - "the woolly fetlocks of bison" - no clue - looking further discover - "the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern" - and there is a tuft of hair that grows at this joint - the photo does not show the fetlocks - but it does exhibit some crazy horns.

My serendipitous day continues to the story of the lost camel (The Three Princes of Serendip) - which was based on the life of Persian King Bahram V of the Sassanid Empire - who led me to Voltaire's detective Zadig - who carried me onto C. Auguste Dupin...

Read a 1969 paper on distribution of grouse dancing grounds (leks) - observed that leks tend to be near windmills - and that if the windmill is moved - the grouse move the lek to the new location of the windmill.

Then I came across this research paper entitled "Wildlife Records from Mail Carriers in April 1947" - apparently in the 1940s the Nebr Game Commission used mail carriers to assist with their annual wildlife counts - they termed it an "inexpensive method of getting extensive state observations" - Braxton said these mail carriers were the first "citizen scientists" of today!

And at home, I had to take the hand vacuum to the freezer compartment of the frig as I knocked the lid off the corn meal (which I keep in the freezer) and it spilled over all the frozen food.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahhaa, I do believe your blog may catapult its way to the top of my Favorites List! Great tidbits - this will provide wonderful fodder for my next cocktail conversations!
